Here is the list of the 1st class passengers.Please be sure that there can be errors in the list. (*)s are survivors.
*Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton
Allison, Mr. H. J.
Allison, Mrs. H. J. and *Maid
Allison, Miss L
*Allison, Master T. and *Nurse
*Anderson, Mr. Harry
*Andrews, Miss Cornelia I.
Andrews, Mr. Thomas
*Appleton, Mrs. E. D.
Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon
Astor, Colonel J. J. and Manservant
*Astor, Mrs. J. J and *Maid
*Aubert, Mrs. N. and *Maid
*Barkworth, Mr. A. H.
Baumann, Mr. J.
*Baxter, Mrs. James
Baxter, Mr. Quigg
Beattie, Mr. T.
*Beckwith, Mr. R. L.
*Beckwith, Mrs. R. L.
*Behr, Mr. K. H.
*Bishop, Mr. D. H.
*Bishop, Mrs. D. H.
Bjornstrom, Mr. H.
Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart
*Blank, Mr. Henry
*Bonnell, Miss Caroline
*Bonnell, Miss Lily
Borebank, Mr. J. J.
*Bowen, Miss
*Bowerman, Miss Elsie
Brady, Mr. John B.
Brandeis, Mr. E.
*Brayton, Mr. George
Brewe, Dr Arthur Jackson
*Brown, Mrs. J. J.
*Brown, Mrs. J. M.
*Bucknell, Mrs. W. and *Maid
Butt, Major Archibald W.
*Calderhead, Mr. E. P.
*Candee, Mrs. Churchill
*Cardoza, Mrs. J. W. M. and Maid
*Cardoza, Mr. T. D. M and manservant
Carlson, Mr. Frank
Carran, Mr. F. M.
Carran, Mr. J. P.
*Carter, Mr. William E.
*Carter, Mrs. William E. and Maid
*Carter, Miss Lucile
*Carter, Master William T. and Manservant
Case, Mr. Howard B.
*Cassebeer, Mrs. H. A.
Cavendish, Mr. T.W.
*Cavendish, Mrs. T. W. and *Maid
Chaffee, Mr. Herbert F.
*Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert F.
*Chambers, Mr. N. C.
*Chambers, Mrs. N. C.
*Cherry, Miss Gladys
*Chevre, Mr. Paul
*Chibnafl, Mrs. E. M. Bowerman
Chisholm, Mr. Robert
Clark, Mr. Walter M.
*Clark, Mrs. Walter M.
Clifford, Mr. George Quincy
Colley, Mr. E. P.
*Compton, Mrs. A. T.
*Compton, Miss S. P.
Compton, Mr. A. T., Jr.
*Cornell, Mrs. R. G.
Crafton, Mr. John B.
Crosby, Mr. Edward G.
*Crosby, Mrs. Edward G.
*Crosby, Miss Harriet
Cummings, Mr. John Bradley
*Cummings, Mrs. John Bradley
*Daly, Mr. P. D.
*Daniel, Mr. Robert W.
Davidson, Mr. Thornton
*Davidson, Mrs. Thornton
*de Villiers, Mrs. B.
*Dick, Mr. A. A.
*Dick, Mrs. A. A.
*Dodge, Dr. Washington
*Dodge, Mrs. Washington
*Dodge, Master Washington
*Douglas, Mrs. F. C.
Douglas, Mr. W. D.
*Douglas, Mrs. W. D. and Maid
Dulles, Mr. William C.
*Earnshew, Mrs. Boulton
*Endres, Miss Caroline
*Eustis, Miss E. M.
Evans, Miss E.
*Flegenheim, Mrs. A.
*Flynn, Mr. J. I.
Foreman, Mr. B. L.
Fortune, Mr. Mark
Fortune, Mrs. Mark
*Fortune, Miss Ethel
*Fortune, Miss Alice
*Fortune, Miss Mabel
Fortune, Mr. Charles
Franklin, Mr. T. P.
*Frauenthal Mr. T. G.
*Frauenthal, Dr. Henry W.
*Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry W.
*Frolicher, Miss Marguerite
Futrelle, Mr. J.
*Futrelle, Mrs. J.
Gee, Mr. Arthur
*Gibson, Mrs. L.-
*Gibson, Miss D.
Giglio, Mr. Victor
*Goldenberg, Mr. S. L.
*Goldenberg, Mrs. S. L
Goldschmidt, Mrs. George B.
*Gordon, Sir Cosmo Duff
*Gordon, Lady Duff and *Maid
*Gracie, Colonel Archibald
Graham, Mr.
*Graham, Mrs William G
*Graha, Miss Margaret
*Greenfield, Mrs. L. D.
*Greenfield, Mrs. W. B.
Guggenheim, Mr Benjamin
*Harder, Mr. George A.
*Harder, Mrs. George A.
*Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper and *Manservant
*Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper
Harris, Mr. Henry B.
*Harris, Mrs. Henry B.
Harrison, Mr. W. H.
*Haven, Mr. H.
*Hawksford, Mr. W. J.
Hays, Mr. Charles M.
*Hays, Mrs. Charles M. and maid
*Hays, Miss Margaret
Head, Mr. Christopher
Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry
Hipkins, Mr. W. E.
*Hippach, Mrs. Ida S.
*Hippach, Miss Jean
*Hogeboom, Mrs. John C.
Holverson, Mr. A. O.
*Holverson, Mrs. A. O.
*Hoyt, Mr. Frederick M.
*Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick M.
Holt, Mr. W. F.
Isham, Mrs. A. E.
*Ismay, Mr. J. Bruce and Manservant
Jakob, Mr. Birnbaum
Jones, Mr. C. C
Julian, Mr. H. F.
Kent, Mr. Edward A.
Kenyon, Mr. F. R.
*Kenyon, Mrs. F. R.
*Kimball, Mr. E. N.
*Kimball, Mrs. E. N.
Klaber, Mr. Herman
Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher Fellows
*Leader, Mrs. F. A.
Lewy, Mr. E. G.
*Lindstroem, Mrs. J.
*Lines, Mrs. Ernest H.
*Lines, Miss Mary C.
Lingrey Mr Edward
Long, Mr.. Milton C.
*Langley, Miss Gretchen F.
Loring, Mr. J. H.
*Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra
Maguire, Mr. J. E.
*Marechal, Mr. Pierre
Marvin, Mr. D. W.
*Marvin, Mrs. D. W.
McCaffry. Mr. T.
McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J. Rohan - Maybe a rich Uncle?!
*McGough, Mr. J. R.
Meyer, Mr. Edgar J.
*Meyer, Mrs. Edgar J.
Millet, Mr. Frank D.
Missahan, Dr. W. E.
*Missahan, Mrs. W. B.
*Missahan, Miss Daisy
*Moch, Mr. Pkdtp E.
Moch, Mr. Phillip E.
Molson, Mr. H. Markland
Moore, Mr. Clarence and Manservant
Natsch, Mr. Charles
Newell, Mr. A. W.
*Newell, Miss Alice
*Newell, Miss Madeline
*Newsom, Miss Helen
Nicholson, Mr. A. S.
*Omont, Mr. F.
Ostby, Mr. E. C
*Ostby, Miss Helen R.
Ovies, Mr. S.
Parr, Mr. M. H. W.
Partner, Mr. Austin
Payne, Mr. V.
Pears, Mr. Thomas
*Pears, Mrs. Thomas
Penasco, Mr. Victor
*Penasco, Mrs. Victor and Maid
*Peuchen, Major Arthur
Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain
*Potter, Mrs. Thomas, Jr.
Reuchlin, Mr. Jonkheer, J. G.
*Rheims, Mr. George
*Robert, Mrs. Edward S. and *Maid
Roebling, Mr. Washington A., 2nd
*Rolmane, Mr. C.
Rood, Mr. Hugh R.
*Rosenbaum, Miss
Ross, Mr. J. Hugo
*Rothes, the Countess of and *Maid
Rothschild, Mr. M.
*Rothschild, Mrs. M.
Rowe, Mr. Alfred
Ryerson, Mr. Arthur
*Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur and *Maid
*Ryerson, Miss Emily
*Ryerson, Miss Susan
*Ryerson, Master Jack
*Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe
*Schabert, Mrs. Paul
*Seward, Mr. Frederick K.
*Shutes, Miss E. W.
*Silverthorne, Mr. S. V.
Silvey, Mr. William B.
*Silvey, Mrs. William B.
*Simonius, Mr. Oberst Altons
*Sloper, Mr. William T.
Smart, Mr. John M.
Smith, Mr. J. Clinch
Smith, Mr. R. W.
Smith, Mr. L P.
*Smith, Mrs. L P.
*Snyder, Mr. John
*Snyder, Mrs. John
*Soloman, Mr. A. L.
*Spedden, Mr. Frederick O.
*Spedden, Mrs. Frederick O. and *Maid
*Spedden, Master R. Douglas and *Nurse
Spencer, Mr. W. A.
*Spencer, Mrs. W. A. and Maid
*Stahelin, Dr. Max
Stead, Mr. W. T.
*Steffanson, B. B.
*Steffanon, H. B.
*Stehli, Mr. Max Frolicher
*Stehli, Mrs. Max Frolicher
*Stengel, Mr. C. E. H.
*Stengel, Mrs. C. E. H.
Stewart, Mr. A. A.
*Stone, Mrs. George M. and *Maid
Straus, Mr. Isidor and Manservant
Straus, Mrs. Isidor and *Maid
Sutton, Mr. Frederick
*Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel
Taussig, Mr. Emil
*Taussig, Mrs. Emil
*Taussig, Miss Ruth
*Taylor, Mr. E. Z
*Taylor, Mrs. E. Z.
Thayer, Mr. J. B.
*Thayer, Mrs. J. B. and *Maid
*Thayer, Mr. J. B., Jr.
Thorne, Mr. G.
*Thorne, Mrs. G.
*Tucker, Mr. G. M., Jr.
Uruchurtu, Mr. M. R.
Van der Hoef, Mr. Wyckoff
Walker, Mr. W. Anderson
Warren, Mr. F. M.
*Warren, Mrs. F. M.
*Weir, Mr. J.
White, Mr. Percival W.
White, Mr. Richard F.
*White, Mrs. J. Stuart and *Maid and Manservant
Wick, Mr. George D.
*Wick, Mrs. George D.
*Wick, Miss Mary
Widener, Mr. George D. and Manservant
*Widener, Mrs. George D. and *Maid
Widener, Mr.. Harry
*Willard, Miss Constance
Williams, Mr. Duane
*Williams, Mr. R. N., Jr.
*Woolner, Mr. Hugh
Wright, Mr. George
*Young, Miss Marie