John Bertram Brady
Mr John Bertram Brady, 41, was born in Satsop on the Puget sound on December 3, 1870. Brady had a brother E.R.Brady, and a sister Ella Brady as well as a half sister R.L.Rush. At the age of 8 in July 1879 he came with his parents to live in Pomeroy, WA where he would be educated before leaving to study at Bishop Scott's Academy in Portland.
On completing his education he returned to Pomeroy to manage the family store, succeeding his father, but in 1903 he sold the business to F.J.Elsensohn when he was made a vice-president of the Pomeroy Savings Bank. Brady had held stock in the bank since its inception and had been a director since 1894. He also had a one-third interest in the Weller Livestock Company. In addition brady was a member of the Masonic lodges in Pomeroy and of the Commandery in Walla Walla and Elkatiff Temple at Spokane.
In 1906 he left Pomeroy briefly to help his family in San Jose whose house was destroyed by shocks from the San Francisco earthquake. His mother reportedly had her hand smashed and his sister was 'thrown around a bit'.
John Bertram Brady known to his friends as Bert had been holidaying throughout Europe when in early 1912 he booked passage on the Titanic. However, on Februay 21, 1912 he wrote to an acquaintence W.B.Morris expressing some doubt over the forthcoming trip.
"I am booked to sail April 10th on the new steamer Titanic, first trip across. But it's such a thing, she can't go on acount of the coal strike. May not get coal so I am going over to the German boats today and book passage in them for about the same date. They will [sure have ?surely] coal, so if I don't get off on the [?fine] Titanic I'll go on the other."
On February 25, 1912, while in Rome, he wrote to Peter Weller of the Weller Livestock Company:
Friend Peter I found your letter at naple and was glad to have it. I got in here last night at 11:30, making a night ride to be here today, so I could go to church at St. Peter's this morning, which I did, and it was very nice. It has improved very much since I was here 10 years ago, good streets and fine lights everywhere. It has gained very much in 10 years and is the making of a good country now. I took a three day trip on to Naples and it was grand. The weather has been just like spring all the time. I am afraid from now it now on [sic]. I would like to have it good in London. Will be glad to get back and go down [to the stock farm] and have a look. Yours "Bert"
On March 30, 1912 he wrote to Fred Matthies from the Grand Central Hotel, Belfast.
"Friend Fred: Where are those letters you were going to write? Have only seen one. But I guess you are too busy. I am over amongst my friends. You bet they are all right. I like it over here. One can have a good time here. I took Cork and Dublin in and I will go from here over into Scotland, and then back to London."I ought to be back in the US soon. If all goes well I ought to be in New York about April 18. One can't tell anything about travel over here. Coal strikes are tying up everything. I might get stuck getting back to London. But I am going to see it while I am here. I am so stuck on Ireland - I guess because they are my kind.
"I left my sister in London. By the time I get back to London I will have seen enough for this time. By then I can't get home too soon. I will stop over at New York for a few days and then go straight to Pomeroy. I am a little tired of travel, but as soon as I get rested I will be ready to go again.
"Hoping this finds everything fine, I am
Yours truly
"J.B. Brady"
On the same day he wrote back to W.B.Morris:
I am away over here. Was down to Cork and took a look at Blarney Castle. I also stopped off at Dublin and looked around. I like it out here fine. It must be dandy in May and June. I go from here over to Scotland. I will spend some time there and then back to London and I'm going to try and sail April 10th. Ought to be in N.Y. about the 17th, as it is a fine boat.
Brady wrote many more letters that have survived, one that he wote to his friends Lois, Florence and Willena Long mentioned that he was bringing them some Coral he had acquired while on holiday in Europe. Bert frequently went fishing with their father and the girls brothers, often camping in the mountains.
Titanic was not held up by the coal strike and Bert Brady boarded the vessel at Southampton. The last letter he wrote, addressed to J.R.Stevenson was posted in Edinburgh, Scotland and said simply:
"I am enjoying Scotland and have to think of my Scotch friends.With best wishes to all,
Bert Brady lost his life in the disaster. With the slow trickle of information following the tragedy the press in Pomery held out hope that he might yet have survived however, on April 20, 1912 they reported that '[Brady's] brother-in-law, R.L.Rush received a telegram from M.H.Houser, then in New York, NY saying that "Bert is lost. Latest reports say very few men saved, account few lifeboats.'The following friday Mr Rush learned that the Carpathia had docked and that Bert was not amongst the rescued.'
A memorial service was held in Pomeroy for Mr Brady on April 28, 1912.
The East Washintonian April 20, 1912 & September 11, 1985
Lynn Soderberg
Doris Ann Wolf
Anne Elizabeth Isham
Miss Anne Elizabeth Isham1, 50, was born on 25 January 1862 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, the first child of Edward Swift Isham and Frances Burch. She had two brothers Pierrepont and Edward Swift, and a sister Frances. Their father established a law firm with Robert Todd Lincoln (son of former US President Abraham Lincoln) called Isham, Lincoln & Beale in Chicago, Illinois.
Anne lived for a time in Chicago where she was a member of the Friday Club and the Scribbler's Club. But by 1912 she had been living abroad for nine years; most of the time in Paris with her sister Frances (Mrs Harry Shelton). Anne's brother Edward lived in New York City and it was in order to spend the summer with him that she boarded the Titanic when it stopped at Cherbourg on April 10, 1912.
Her cabin (C-49) was next to that of Colonel Archibald Gracie, although he did not remember ever seeing her. Anne was one of four first class women who died in the disaster, her body was never recovered. When she died, in addition to her siblings, she left a cousin, Mrs. H. H. Porter, Jr., of Chicago.
1Her name may have been Ann Eliza instead of Anne Elizabeth.
Chicago Daily Tribune (Illinois), 18 April 1912
Brainard, Homer. W. (1938) Survey of the Ishams in England and America.
Tuttle Publishing Co., Rutland, Vermont pp. 410-412.
Homer Thiel
Fireman's Messman: Arthur William May
Mr Arthur William May, 60, of 75 York St, Northam, Southampton was born in that city. He had previously worked on the Britannia but a bad leg had recently prevented him from joining his old ship.
May's son Arthur May was also aboard the Titanic as a fireman.
Ann May and six of their eight children - Joy, Grace, Mabel, Annie Louisa, Philip Nelson and Gladys - recieved money from the Mansion house Titanic Relief Fund (No.190).
Both men died in the sinking, Arthur May senior's body was never recovered. However, a recently rediscovered grave in the Old Cemetary in Southampton mentions the two men:
The family's loss was also recorded by an unknown Daily Mail reporter writing of York Road in the aftermath of the disaster:
Mrs May, across the way, lost her husband and eldest son. The son was married a year ago and his wife had a baby six weeks ago... Crossing the road I had a talk with the elder Mrs May, a slight, pale woman with dark sorrowful eyes. She asked eagerly for news, but when I had none to give, she sighed and the corner of her apron went to her eys. "Yes, it's true," she said in a weary voice. "Husband and son have gone and left eleven of us. It was the first time that Arthur and his father had been at sea together, and it wouldn't have happened if Arthur hadnt been out of work because of the coal strike. He tried to get work ashore but failed, and he had his wife and a baby to keep. So he signed on aboard the Titanic as a fireman. His father shouldn't have been on the Titanic but a bad leg kept him from going on his own ship, the Britannia. Now they're gone and there's eleven of us. The eldest boy, nineteen, makes a few shillings a week by odd jobs. My own youngest baby is six months old." Daily Mail April 18 1912
The Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet
Ticehurst, B. (1995) Titanic Victims discovered in the Old Cemetary - the Common, Southampton
Chris Dohany
Fireman: Arthur May
Mr Arthur May, 23, of York St, Northam, Southampton died in the sinking. He had been married only a year and left a widow and a six week old child.
His father Arthur William May was also aboard as a Firemen's Messman. He too was lost.
May's widow Amelia and their child George Arthur William were assisted, as class G dependants, by the Manson House Titanic Relief Fund (No.182).
May's body could have been the 141st to be recovered, the body was found wearing a coat marked A. May although the physical characteristics and effects cast doubt on this identification.:
Height 5 ft. 3½ in.; Weight, 158 lbs. Age, about 50. Hair, Sandy, very Thin on Top of Head; Moustache very Light Marks, Second and Fourth Upper Teeth, left side, Missing. Buried at Fairview Cemetary, Halifax, N.S... Wore white coat marked "A. May." Carried keys marked "Butcher". Effects include picture post card addressed Mrs. Kempsey, Antrim Place, Antrim Road, Belfast.NO. 141 - MALE - ESTIMATED AGE 30 - HAIR & MOUSTACHE, LIGHT
CLOTHING - Striped coat; white coat marked "A. May"; striped flannel shirt; blue trousers.
EFFECTS - Keys marked "Butcher"; stud; plain gold ring; six pence.
A memorial to Arthur May and his father was recently rediscovered in the Old Cemetary in Southampton. See the entry for Mr Arthur William May.
The Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet
Ticehurst, B. (1995) Titanic Victims discovered in the Old Cemetary - the Common, Southampton
Chris Dohany