Please make sure that there can be errors in this list. If this record is true than their expected ages are the ages written in this page but this record depends on a book which was printed 4 years ago. So the survivors can't be still alive today.
An extract from Titanic - An Illustrated History.
Lillian Gertrude Asplund, Born 10-21-1906, age on Titanic 5 1/2 years old, Class 3rd, Lifeboat #4, age now 92, Residence, Massachusetts.
Eliza Gladys Milvina Dean, Born 2-2-1912, age on Titanic 10 weeks old, Class 3rd, Lifeboat #C, age now 86. Residence, England.
Louise Laroche, date born unknown, age on Titanic 3 years old, Class 2nd, Lifeboat #C?, age now 89 Residence, France.
Michel M. Navratil, born 6-12-1908, age on Titanic 3 1/2 years old, Class 2nd, Lifeboat #D, age now 90. Residence, France.
Eleanor Ileen Johnson Shuman, Born 9-23-1910, age on Titanic 18 months old, Class 3rd, Lifeboat #D, age now 88. Residence, Illinois USA
Winnifred Vera Quick VanTongerloo, date born unknown, age on Titanic 8 years old, Class 2nd, Lifeboat #11, age now 94. Residence, Michigan, U.S.A.
Barbara J. West, date born unknown, Age on Titanic 3 1/2 years old, Class 2nd, Lifeboat ?, age now 89, Residence, England.
Edith E. Brown Haisman, Born 10-27-1896, 15 1/2 years old on Titanic, 2nd Class, Lifeboat #14, Age now 102, Residence England.