List of the crew and the passengers in Titanic

  1. crew
  2. 1st class passengers
  3. 2nd class passengers
  4. 3rd class passengers


(*)s Indicate Survivors


Smith, Mr Edward John, Captain

Wilde, Mr Henry Tingle, Chief Officer

Murdoch, Mr William McMaster, First Officer

Lightoller, Mr Charles Herbert, Second Officer *

Pitman, Mr Herbert John, Third Officer *

Boxhall, Mr Joseph Grove, Fourth Officer*

Lowe, Mr Harold Godfrey, Fifth Officer *

Moody, Mr James Paul, Sixth Officer

Original Content from Various Archive Sources

Corrections and Additions © Philip Hind & Bill Wormstedt (1998) All Rights Reserved.


Bailey, Mr W. *

King, Mr Thomas W.


Bright, Mr Arthur John*

Hichens, Mr Robert *

Humphreys, Mr James*

Olliver, Mr Alfred *

Perkis, Mr Walter J.*

Rowe, Mr George Thomas*

Wynn, Mr Walter *

Able Seamen

Anderson, Mr J.*

Archer, Mr Ernest Edward*

Bradley, Mr F.

Brice, Mr Walter*

Buley, Mr Edward John*

Clench, Mr Fredrick*

Clench, Mr George

Couch, Mr Frank

Davis, Mr Stephen J.

Evans, Mr Frank Olliver*

Forward, Mr J.*

Holman, Mr Harry

Hopkins, Mr Robert*

Horswell, Mr Albert Edward James*

Jones, Mr Thomas*

Lucas, Mr William*

Lyons, Mr William H.

Matheson, Mr D.

McAuliffe, Mr ?

McCarthy, Mr W.*

McGough, Mr James (Paddy)*

Moore, Mr George*

Osman, Mr Frank*

Parks, Mr Sam

Pascoe, Mr C. H.*

Peters, Mr W. C.*

Pigott, Mr P.*

Poigndestre, Mr John (or Ponjdestae)*

Scarrott, Mr Joseph*

Smith, Mr W.

Taylor, Mr C.

Terrell, Mr Bertram

Weller, Mr William (or R.)*

*White, Mr Ralph


Nichols, Mr Alfred, Boatswain

Haines, Mr Albert, Boatswain's mate*


Evans, Mr Alfred Frank*

Fleet, Mr Frederick*

Hogg, Mr George Alfred*

Jewell, Mr Archie*

Lee, Mr Reginald Robinson*

Symons, Mr George Thomas Macdonald*

Medical Staff

O'Loughlin, Dr William F. N., Surgeon

Simpson, Dr J. Edward, Assistant surgeon

Wallis, Mrs., Matron

Dunford, W., Hospital steward

Window Cleaners

Harder, Mr William*

Sawyer, Mr R. J.

Carpenters / Joiners

Hutchinson, Mr John H., Joiner

Maxwell, Mr John, Carpenter

Mess Room Stewards

Mathias, M.

Tamlyn, Mr Fredrick


Hemmings, Mr Samuel Ernest, Lamptrimmer*

French, William (maybe Trimmer: Fredricks, W.)*

Williams, Jack (maybe Williams, W.)

Leading Firemen

Barrett, Mr Fredrick*

Davies, T.

Ferris, W.

Ford, Mr Thomas

Hendrickson, Mr Charles George*

Keegan, Jas

Mason, J.

Mayo, W.

Pugh, P.

Small, William

Threlfall, Mr Thomas*

Ward, J.

Webber, F.


Abraham, Mr C.

Adams, Mr R.

Allen, Mr H.

Bailey, G. W.

Ball, W.

Barlow, C.

Barnes, Chas

Barnes, J.

Barrett, F. W.

Beauchamp, Mr George William*

Bendell, T.

Bennett, Mr G.

Benville, E.

Bessant, W.

Biddlecombe, C.

Biggs, E.

Black, A.

Black, D.

Blackman, H.

Blake, T.

Blancy, J.

Blann, Eustace

Bradley, P.

Brown, J.

Brown, J.

Burroughs, A.

Burton, E.

Butt, W.

Camner, J.

Cherrett, W.

Chorley, Mr J.

Clark, W.*

Coffey, Mr John

Collins, Mr Samuel*

Coombes, G. *

Cooper, H.

Copperthwaite, Mr B.

Corcoran, D.

Cotton, A.

Couper, R.*

Crimmins, J.*

Cross, W.

Cunningham, Mr B.

Curtis, A.

Diaper, J. *

Dilley, J. *

Doel, F. *

Doyle, F.

Dymond, Frank (or Diamond)*

Flarty, E.*

Fraser, J.

Geer, A. (or Gear)

Godley, G. *

Golder, M. W.

Graham, T. *

Graves, S.

Grodidge, E.

Hagan, J. (or Haggan)*

Hall, J.

Hallett, G.

Hands, B.

Hannam, G.

Harris, E.

Harris, F. *

Hart, Mr Thomas

Hasgood, R.

Head, A.

Hodges, W.

Hosgood, R. (or Hopgood)

Hunt, Mr T.

Hurst, C. J.

Instance, T.

Jacobson, John

James, Thos

Jarvis, W.

Joas, N.

Judd, Mr Charles E.*

Kasper, F. *

Kemish, George*

Kerr, T.

Kinsella, L.

Lahy, T., E.

Light, C.

Light, W.

Lindsay, W. *

Lloyd, W.

Major, W.*

Marrett, G.

Marsh, F.

Mason, F.A.R.*

May, Mr Arthur

Mayzes, T. *

McAndrew, Thos

McAndrews, W.

McCastlen, W.

McGarvey, E.

McGaw, E.

McGregor, J.

McQuillan, William

McRae, William

Milford, George

Mintram, Mr W.

Moore, J.*

Morgan, T.

Murdoch, W. *

Nettleton, G.

Noon, John

Norris, J.

Noss, Mr Henry B.

Noss, H. *

*Nutbean, William

*Oliver, H.

*Othen, C.

Paice, R.

Painter, Mr Charles

Painter, F.

Pand, G.

*Pearce, J.

*Podesta, Mr John

*Priest, John

*Pusey, Mr Robert William

Reeves, F.

*Rice, C.

Richards, H.

Rickman, G.

Roberts, G.

Sangster, C.

Saunders, T.

Saunders, W.

Scott, Archibald

*Self, E.

*Senior, Mr Harry

Shea, Thos

*Shiers, Alfred (or Shires)

Smith, ?

Smither, H.

Snellgrove, G.

*Sparkman, H.

Stanbrook, Mr Augustus

*Street, A.

Stubbs, H.

Sullivan, S.

Taylor, J.

*Taylor, Mr James

Taylor, T.

*Taylor, Mr William Henry

Thomas, J.

*Thompson, Mr John

*Thresher, G.

Tizard, A.

Toung, F.

*Triggs, R.

Turley, R.

van der Brugge, Wessel Adrianus

Vear, H.

Vear, W.

Wardner, F.

Wateridge, E.

Watson, W.

Williams, Mr E.

Witcher, A.

Witt, Mr Henry

Wyeth, J.

Young, Mr Francis


*Allen, Mr George

*Avery, Mr J.

Bevis, J.

Billows, J.

*Binstead, Mr Walter

*Blake, P.

Brewer, H.

Brooks, J.

Calderwood, H.

Carr, R.

Carter, F.

Casey, T.

*Cavell, George

Coe, H.

Cooper, J.

Crabb, H.

Dawson, J.

Dickson, W.

*Dillon, Mr Thomas Patrick

*Dore, Mr A.

Eagle, A. J.

Elliott, Everett Edward

Evans, W.

Ferrary, Auto

Ford, H.

*Fredricks, W.

*Fryer, A.

Gordon, J.

Gosling, B.

Gosling, S.

Green, G.

Harris, F.

Haslin, J.

*Hebb, A.

Hill, J.

Hinton, W.

*Hunt, Albert (or S.)

Ingram, C.

Kearl, Mr G.

Lee, H.

Long, Mr F.

Long, W.

Maskell, L.

*McGann, James

*McIntyre, Mr William

Mitchell, B.

Moore, R.

Morrell, R.

Morris, W.

*O'Connor, Mr John

*Pelham, G. *Perry, E.

Perry, H.

Preston, Mr Thomas

Proudfoot, R.

Read, J.

Reed, R.

Saunders, W.

*Sheath, Mr Frederick

Shilaber, C.

Skeats, W.

Smith, E.

Snooks, W.

*Snow, E.

Steel, R.

Stocker, H.

Webb, S.

White, F.

*White, Mr William George

Wilton, William

Witt, F.

Woods, H.


Baines, Rich

Bannon, John

Beattie, F.

Bott, Mr W.

Castleman, E.

Couch, J.

Eastman, C.

Fay, Mr F.

Gardner, F.

Goree, F.

Gregory, D.

*Hurst, Mr Walter

Jago, J.

Jukes, J.

Kearl, C.

Kelly, Jas

Kenchenten, Fredrick

Kirkham, J.

McInerney, T.

Moores, R.

Morris, A.

Olive, C.

Palles, T.

Phillips, G.

Pitfield, W.

*Pregnall, George

*Ranger, Mr Thomas

*Scott, Mr Frederick

Self, A.

Stafford, M.

Tozer, J.

Veal, A.

*White, Alfred

Woodford, H.


Bell, Mr Joseph, Chief Engineer

Farquharson, Mr W.E. Senior Second Engineer

Harrison, Mr N., Junior Second Engineer

Hesketh, Mr James H., Junior Second Engineer

Wilson, Mr Bertie, Senior Assistant Second Engineer

Harvey, Mr Herbert G., Junior Assistant Second Engineer

Shepherd, Mr Jonathan, Junior Assistant Second Engineer

Hosking. Mr G. F., Senior Third Engineer

Dodd, Mr E.C., Junior Third Engineer

Hodge, Mr C., Senior Assistant Third Engineer

Coy, Mr F.E.G., Junior Assistant Third Engineer

Fraser, Mr J., Junior Assistant Third Engineer

Hodgkinson, Mr L., Senior Fourth Engineer

Smith, Mr James M., Junior Fourth Engineer

Dyer, Mr Henry Ryland, Senior Fourth Engineer

Dodds, Mr H.W., Junior Assistant Fourth Engineer

Ward, Mr Arthur, Junior Assistant Fourth Engineer

Kemp, Mr Thomas Hulman, Extra Assistant Fourth Engineer


Parsons, Mr F.A., Senior Fifth Engineer

Mackie, Mr W.D., Junior Fifth Engineer

Millar, Mr R., Extra Assistant Fifth Engineer

Moyes, Mr William Young, Senior Sixth Engineer

McReynolds, Mr W., Junior Sixth Engineer

Creese, Mr H.P., Deck Engineer

Millar, Mr T., Assistant Deck Engineer


Chisnall, Mr G.A., Senior Boilermaker

Fitzpatrick, Mr H., Junior Boilermaker

Mess Stewards and Firemen's Messmen

Messmen and Mess Stewards cleaned crew quarters and brought meals etc.

Blake, Mr Seaton

Coleman, Mr J.

*Fitzpatrick, Mr C. W. N.

Gunnery, Mr George

Makeson, Mr W. A.

*Knowles, Mr T., Firemen's Messman

May, Mr Arthur William, Firemen's Messman


Sloan, Mr P., Chief Electrician

Ervine, Mr Albert George, Assistant Electrician

Jupe, Mr Herbert, Assistant Electrican

Kelly, Mr William, Assistant Electrician

Middleton, Mr Alfred Pirrie, Assistant Electrician

Alsopp, Mr Alfred S., Junior Electrician

Storekeepers - Engineering

Foster, A.

Kenzler, A.

Newman, C.

Rudd, Mr Henry


Duffy, Mr William Chief Engineer`s Clerk (Writer)

Rous, Mr Arthur J., Plumber (?Writer)

*Williams, Jack (or W.?)

Purser's Office

McElroy, Mr Herbert Walter, Chief Purser

Barker, Mr Reginald L., Second Purser

King, Mr Ernest Waldron, Purser's Clerk

Marconi Operators

Phillips, Mr John George, First Marconi Operator

*Bride, Mr Harold Sydney, Second Marconi Operator

Chief Stewards

Latimer, Mr Andrew, Chief Steward

Dodd, Mr George, Chief Second Steward

Burke, Mr William, Second Saloon Steward

Hughes, H., Assistant second steward

*Wheat, Mr Joseph Thomas, Assistant Second Steward

*Hardy, Mr John, Chief Second Class Steward

Kiernan, Mr James W., Chief Third Class Steward

Saloon Stewards

Ahier, Mr P.

Allsop, Mr F.

*Baggott, A.

Bagley, E.

Bailey, G.

Barker, E.,

Barringer, A.

Barrows, W.

Benham, Mr Frederick

Best, E.

Boughton, E.

Boyd, J.

Boyes, H.

Bristowe, H.

*Brown, Edward

Brown, W.

*Burke, Mr William

Burr, E.

Butt, Mr Robert

Butterworth, J.

Cartwright, J.,

Casswill, C.

Cave, Mr Herbert

Charman, Mr John

Cheverton, Mr W. F.

Coleman, A.

Conway, P.

Cook, George

*Crafter, F.

Crisp, H.

*Crowe, George F.(or Crow)

Dashwood, W.

Davies, R. J.

Deeble, A.

Derrett, A.

Deslands, P.

Dineage, J.

Doughty, W.

Dyer, W.

Evans, George

Fairall, H.

Fenton, F.

Frankin, A.

*Fropper, R.

*Gibbons, J. W.

Goshawk, A.

Harris, C. W.

*Harrison, A.

*Hartnell, Mr Frederick

Hawkesworth, John

Helnen, J.

Hendy, E.

Hoare, Leo

House, W.

Howell, A.

Jenner, H.

Jenson, C. V.

*Johnson, James

Jones, A.

Jones, Mr Reginald V.

*Keene, P.

Ketchley, H.

Kingscote, W. F.

Kitching, A.

*Knight, George

Lake, W.

Lane, A. E.

Lawrence, A.

Lefever, G.

*Littlejohn, A.

Lloyd, H.

*Lucas, W.

Lydiatt, C.

*MacKay, Charles D.

McGrady, James (or MacGrady)

*McMicken, A.

McMullen, J.

Mellor, A.

Middleton, M. V.

Moore, A.

Moss, William (? H.)

Nicholls, T.

Orpet, W.

Osborne, W.

Parsons, R.

Perriton, H.

*Phillimore, Harold (or Phillamore)

Pusey, Jno

Pryce, Mr W.

Randall, F.

Ranson, Jas

*Ray, Mr Frederick Dent

Revall, W.

Ridout, W.

Robinson, J.

Rogers, M.

Rowe, M.

Rummer, G.

Russell, R.

*Ryerson, Mr William Edwy

Samuels, W.

Saunders, Mr D. E

Scovell, R.

Shea, J.

Simmons, Mr F. G.

Skinner, E.

Smillie, J.

Smith, R. G.

Spinner, Mr Harry

Stagg, J. H.

Stroud, E. A.

Stroud, H.

Strugnell, Jno

Symonds, J.

Taylor, W.

*Thomas, A. C.

*Thomas, Mr B.

*Toms, F.

Turner, L.

Veal, T.

*Ward, William

Warwick, F.

Weatherstone, T.

*Wheelton, E.

White, L.

*Whiteley, Thomas

Whitford, A.

Wormald, T. (or F.)

*Yearsley, H.

Yoshack, J.


Akermann, Mr A.

Barton, S.

Baxter, H. R.

Bristow, Mr Robert C.

Brookman, J.

Cecil, C.

Chitty, G.

Cox, Mr William Denton

*Daniels, Mr Sidney Albert

Edbrooke, F.

Ede, Mr G. B.

Egg, W. H.

Evans, George

Finch, H.

*Foley, W. C.

Ford, E.

Fox, W. T.

*Halford, R.

Hill, H.,

*Hylands, Mr Leo James

Ingrouville, H.

Knight, L.

Leonard, M.

Lewis, Mr Arthur E. R.

Mabey, J.

Mantle, R.

Mullen, T.

Nichols, A.

Pearce, A.

*Port, F.

Prideaux, J. A.

*Prior, Mr H. J.

*Pugh, Mr Alfred

Rice, P.

Ryan, Mr T.

*Savage, Mr C. J.

*Sedunary, Sidney

Sevier, W.

Slight, H. J.

Talbot, George Fredrick Charles

Taylor, C.

Thayler, M.

Willis, W.

Assistant Stewards

*Andrews, Mr Charles E.

Christmas, H.

Dean, G.

Gunn, J.

Humphreys, H.

Kerley, W. T.

Lacey, Bert W.

*Nichols, W. K.

Owens, L.

Penny, W.

Robertson, G.

*Terrell, Mr F.

*Williams, W.

Wood, J. T.

Bedroom Stewards

Allan, Mr R.

Anderson, Mr. Walter Y.

Barlow, G.

Beedman, G.

Bishop, Mr W.

Bogie, L.

Bond, W.

Boothby, W.

Brewster, G. H.

Byrne, J.

Clark, T.

*Crawford, Mr Alfred

Crumplin, C.

*Cullen, C.

*Cunningham, Andrew

Davies, Gordon

Donoghue, F.

*Etches, Mr Henry Samuel

*Faulkner, Mr William Stephen

Ford, F.

Geddes, R.

Gill, S.

Hamblyn, Mr Ernest William

Hayter, A.

Hewett, T.

Hill, J.

Hogg, C.

Ide, H.

Janaway, W.

MacKie, G.

McCarty, F.

McMurray, W.

O'Connor, T.

Penrose, J.

Petty, Mr Edwin Henry

Reed, C.

Roberts, H.

Siebert, Sidney C. (or J.)

Smith, C.

Stone, E.

Stone, E.

Swan, W.

*Thessinger, Mr Alfred

Ward, E.

Ward, P.

Wareham, R.

Wittman, H.

Harding, A., Assistant Bedroom Steward

Longmiur, J., Assistant Bedroom Steward

Pook, R., Assistant Bedroom Steward

"Glory Hole" Stewards

The "Glory Hole" was the traditional shipboard name for stewards' quarters.

Ashe, Mr H.W.

Crispin, Mr W.

White, Mr J.

*Wright, Mr W.

Deck Stewards

Edge, F.

Freeman, Mr Ernest Edward Samuel, Senior Deck Steward Bruce Ismay's Secretary)

Boston, W., Assistant Deck Steward

Hawksworth, W., Assistant Deck Steward


*Bennett, Mrs.

*Bliss, Miss

*Gold, Mrs Kate

*Gregson, Miss

*Jessop, Miss Violet C.

*Lavington, Miss

*Leather, Mrs Elizabeth

*Marsden, Miss

*Martin, Mrs.

*McLaren, Mrs.

*Pritchard, Mrs.

*Roberts, Mrs.

*Robinson, Mrs Annie

*Sloan, Miss Mary

*Smith, Miss

Snape, Mrs

*Stap, Miss, Miss

Other Stewards

*Hart, Mr John Edward, Third Class Steward

Paintin, Mr James Arthur, Captain's Steward

Webb, Mr Brooke, First Class Smoke-Room Steward

Hamilton, E., Assistant Smoke Room Steward

*Witter, James, Second Class Smoke-Room Steward


Ashcroft, Mr A.

Campbell, D. S.

Holcroft, C.

Rice, J. R.

Lift Attendants

Allan, Mr F.

Carney, Mr William

King, A.

Pacey, R.

Bell Boys

Barrett, A.

Harris, C. H.

Watson, W.


Stebbing, S., Chief Boots

Bully, H., Boots

*Chapman, J., Boots

Perrin, W., Boots

Fellows, A., Assistant Boots

*Guy, J., Assistant Boots, 5

Henry, Mr William, Assistant Boots

Jackson, H., Assistant Boots

Scott, Assistant Boots


*Caton, Miss, Turkish Bath Attendant

Crosbie, J. B., Turkish Bath Attendant

Ennis, Mr W., Turkish Bath Attendant

*Slocombe, Mrs. Maud, Turkish Bath Attendant

Taylor, L., Turkish Bath Attendant

Broom, H., Bath Steward

Major, E., Bath Steward

*Morris, F., Bath Steward

Pennell, F., Bath Steward

*Rule, Samuel J., Bath Steward

Hinckley, G., Baths

*Widgery, James, Baths

Reception Room

Dolby, J., Reception Room Attendant

Holland, T., Assistant Reception Room Attendant

Veranda and Palm Court

*Stewart, John (Jack), Verandah and Palm Court Attendant

Broome, Athol, Assistant Verandah and Palm Court Attendant


Parsons, E., Chief Storekeeper

Thompson, H., Second Storekeeper

*Foley, Mr Jack, Storekeeper

Kieran, Mr Michael, Assistant Storekeeper

Morgan, W., Assistant Storekeeper

*Prentice, Mr Frank M., Assistant Storekeeper

Ricks, Mr Cyril G., Assistant Storekeeper

Rogers, E. J., Assistant Storekeeper

Williams, A., Assistant Storekeeper


Baxter, F., Linen Keeper

Olive, E. R., Clothes Presser

Halloway, S., Assistant Clothes Presser


Klein, H.

*Weikman, Mr August H.

White, A., Assistant Barber


McCawley, Mr T. W., Gymnasium Instructor

Wright, Mr Fredrick, Racquet-Court Attendant


Mishellany, A., Printer

Corben, E. T., Assistant Printer


Back, C., Assistant Attendant

Bessant, E., Baggage Master

Feltham, G., Vienna (?)

Fletcher, Mr P. W., Bugler

Kelland, T., Library

Muller, L., Interpeter

Perkins, L., Telephone Operator

Testoni, Ercole, Assistant Glass Man

Turner, G. F., Stenographer


Proctor, Mr Chester, Chef

Bochetez, J., Assistant Chef


Walpole, Mr John, Chief Pantryman

Abbott, Mr E., Pantryman

*Seward, H., Pantryman

Tucker, B., Second Pantryman

*Pearcey, Mr Albert Victor, Third Class Pantryman

Akerman, Mr J., Assistant Pantryman

Edwards, C., Assistant Pantryman

Harris, E., Assistant Pantryman

Levett, G., Assistant Pantryman

Marks, J., Assistant Pantryman

Marriott, J. W., Assistant Pantryman

Smith, Mr F., Assistant Pantryman

Wrapson, H., Assistant Pantryman


Allen, Mr E.

Bull, W.

*Colgan, J.

*Collins, John (or Assistant cook)

Hall, F.,

Hatch, H.

Ings, W.

King, G.

*Martin, A.

Platt, W.

Ross, R.

Shaw, H.

*Simmonds, A.

Smith, C.


Gill, P., Ship's Cook

Johnson, Mr H., Assistant Ship's Cook

Coombs, C., Assistant Cook

Gollop, C., Assistant Cook

Lock, A., Assistant Cook

Thorley, W., Assistant Cook

Welch, W. H., Assistant Cook

Jones, H., Roast Cook

Caunt, W., Grill Cook

Lovell, J., Grill Cook

Hutchinson, J., Vegetable Cook

Ayling, Mr E., Assistant Vegetable Cook

Buckley, H., Assistant Vegetable Cook

*Ellis, J., Assistant Vegetable Cook

Orr, J., Assistant Vegetable Cook

Kennell, C., Herb Cook

*Maynard, John (?Joseph), Entree Cook

Simmons, W., Pass Cook

Slight, W., Larder Cook

Stubbings, H., Cook and mess

*Windebank, J., Sauce Cook


Maytum, Mr Alfred, Chief Butcher

Topp, T., Second Butcher

Roberts, F., Third Butcher

Barker, T., Assistant Butcher

Barrow, H., Assistant Butcher

Hensford, J., Assistant Butcher

*Mills, C., Assistant Butcher

Wiltshire, W., Assistant Butcher


*Joughin, Charles, Chief Baker

Giles, J., Second Baker

Davies, J., Extra Second Baker

Hine, W., Third Baker

*Burgess, Charles, Extra Third Baker

Barker, A., Assistant Baker

Barnes, W., Assistant Baker

Chitty, G., Assistant Baker

*Neale, H., Assistant Baker

Smith, J., Assistant Baker

Wake, S., Assistant Baker


Farrendon, E. Confectioner

Leader, A., Assistant Confectioner


*Burrage. A., Plates

Humby, F., Plates

Jones, A., Plates

*Ball, Percy, Plate washer

Bradshaw, J., Plate washer

Bunmell, F., Plate washer

Hiscock, S., Plate washer

Hogue, E., Plate washer

Hopkins, F., Plate washer

Light, C., Plate washer


Beere, Mr William, Kitchen Porter

*Hardwick, Mr R., Kitchen Porter

à la carte restaurant

Gatti, Mr L., Manager

Jeffery, Mr W. A., Controller

Vine, Mr H., Assistant controller

Rousseau, P., Chef

*Mauge, Paul (or Manga), Chef's Assistant

*Bowker, Miss R., Cashier

*Martin, Miss Margaret E., Second Cashier

Coutin, A., Entree Cook

Monteverdi, J., Assistant Entree Cook

Charboison, A., Roast Cook

Cornaire, M., Assistant Roast Cook

Scavino, C., Carver

Vicat, J., Fish cook

Dornier, S., Assistant Fish Cook

Janin, C., Soup Cook

Vilvarlarge, P., Assistant soup

Bietrix, G., Sauce Cook

Jouanmault, G., Assistant Sauce

Bolhuis, Mr Hendrik, Larder Cook

Jaillet, H., Pastry Cook

Desvernini, L., Assistant Pastry

Voegelin, H., Coffeeman

Gros, Claude G., Assistant Coffee Man

Price, E., Barman

Zarracchi, L., Wine Butler

Nannini, Mr F., Head Waiter

Bochet, Mr Giuseppi, Second Head Waiter

Banfi, Waiter

Basilico, G., Waiter

Bazzi, L., Waiter

Gilardino, V., Waiter

Gullio, Casali, Waiter

Piazza, P., Waiter

Poggi, E., Waiter

Ratti, E., Waiter

Rigozzi, A., Waiter

Rotto, Angelo (or Rotta, A.), Waiter

Sesea, Gino, Waiter

Urbini, R., Waiter

Valassori, Ettera, Waiter

Vioni, R., Waiter

Allaria, Mr Baptiste, Assistant Waiter

Bernardi, Mr Baptiste, Assistant Waiter

Beux, D., Assistant Waiter

Crovelle, Louis (or Crovella), Assistant Waiter

De Breucq, M., Assistant Waiter

Dennarsico, Assistant Waiter

Donati, Italio, Assistant Waiter

Fanette, M., Assistant Waiter

Monoros, J., Assistant Waiter

Pedrini, Alex, Assistant Waiter

Perotti, Alfonsi, Assistant Waiter

Petrachio, A., Assistant Waiter

Petrachio, S., Assistant Waiter

Piatti, L., Assistant Waiter

Ricardona, R., Assistant Waiter

Sacaggi, G., Assistant Waiter

Blumet, J., Plateman

Aspelagi, Mr George, Assistant Plateman

Salussolia, Giovenz, Glass Man

Phillips, J., Storesman

Pacherat, J., Assistant Larder

Fei, Carlo, Sculleryman

Berthold, Florentini, Assistant Sculleryman

Mattman, A., Iceman

Turvey, C., Pageboy

Tietz, C., Kitchen Porter

Postal Clerks

After the collision the postal clerks hurriedly moved sacks of mail from the rapidly flooding post office on G-deck to the sorting room on F-deck but by 11:55 pm the office was already two feet deep in water, before long it would be completely flooded.

Gwinn, Mr William Logan

March, Mr John Starr

Smith, Mr John Richard Jago

Williamson, Mr James Bertram

Woody, Mr Oscar Scott

Musicians on the Titanic

The eight members of the ship's orchestra were employed by Messers C.W. and F.N. Black of 14 Castle Street, Liverpool. The men boarded as second class passengers on a joint ticket (#250654) and had quarters towards the stern on E-deck with a separate room for their instruments.

In fact there were two orchestras on Titanic, one was a trio that played in the A la Carte reception room composed of: Violist George Krins, Cellist Roger Bricoux and one other (identity unclear). The other orchestra was led by Wallace Hartley. During the voyage they would entertain the passengers with a lively mix of ragtime and popular songs, in a variety of locations, sometimes playing in the first class lounge, sometimes near the first class entrance on the boat deck.

That the band played as the ship sank is a fact that has passed into legend but the repertoire of that night is largely forgotten. Probably they played similar upbeat tunes although it seems certain that at some point they turned to the more sombre strains of the hymns 'Nearer My God to Thee' or possibly 'Autumn' as some survivors recalled.

Brailey, Mr W. Theodore, Pianist

Bricoux, Mr Roger, Cellist

Clarke, Mr John Frederick Preston, Bass Violist

Hartley, Mr Wallace Henry, Bandmaster

Hume, Mr John Law, First Violinist

Krins, Mr George, Violist

Taylor, Mr Percy Cornelius, Cellist

Woodward, Mr John Wesley, Cellist

1st Class passengers

2nd Class passengers

3rd Class passengers

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